Exhibition “The Boundary Extension Properties” by the painter Dmitry Lavrentjev
Word “border” has many different aspects. We can talk about the inner world, in which we live, and the world, in which we won’t live. At the same time, we can talk about inner borders and our inner possibilities. The properties of the lenght of the universe , both inner and outer, are deeply subjective and do not translate certainly in the nowadays context, interacting between people, individual and the world, person and his inner-self, limited by what is acceptable.
Without the possibilities to extend the outer world and prolong the world borders, we still have the chance to prolong our inner world and extend our inner borders.
“In the exhibition, my works message about the border extension properties and in a metaphorical form tells to the viewer, which images help me to break through the subjective perception borders,” says painter Dmitry Lavrentjev.
Dmitry Lavrentjev, born on October 20th, 1970, in Riga. Autodidact, who has obtained his knowledge in painting by inspiring from the artists of St. Petersburg. Currently, he is one of the boldest Latvian contemporary artists. Non-traditionalism and brightness are what characterise the artist’s painting and other creative works, however, they all disclose emotional experiences and research of the human soul.
The exhibition will be open from October 28 to December 6 at the art space "Art Platz".
рџ“ЌOur address in Riga: Alberta 4-9 (Alberta iela 4-9), not far from the Riga Center Art Nouveau Museum (Riga Jugendstila Centrs). We are open to visitors from Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.